November 2011 Ritual: Women's Harvest Festival
By Diann L. Neu | We celebrate and give thanks for a harvest that is often overlooked: the contributions of women.

"On Having to Choose: Scholar or Activist" by Mary Ann Kaiser
This past August, Vanderbilt Divinity School and the Human Rights Campaign hosted a series of workshops on the issue of religion and sexuality. Though I was not actually a part of this event, I was excited about its occurrence for a couple of reasons. First, as the field of queer studies continues to grow in religious academic programs, it is necessary to create space for future scholars to consider their role in discussions of religion and sexuality. I imagined it being incredibly empowering to gather with other students from across the country who are queer, religious, and doing doctoral work. I was also pleased, however, because one of the lectures was given by feminist theologian Dr. Mary E. Hunt entitled “Responsible Academics are Useful Activists.”