Three Must-Read Resource Reviews
By Mary E. Hunt
I want to eat for breakfast whatever Joan Chittister eats. She pumps out books at lightening speed, or else she has a lot of elves out there in Erie, PA who help. Three recent ones include "40 Stories to Stir the Soul," "A Monastery Almanac," and "Songs of the Heart."

Progressive Religion to the Rescue
By Mary E. Hunt
The happy hoopla surrounding the lifting of Don't Ask, Don't Tell had a shadow side. Close inspection revealed a lot of partners and spouses of LGBTIQ military people who had been cloaked in secrecy and euphemism ("Meet my cousin") for years. Now they, too, can come out. But they remain second-class citizens whose marriages don't count because of the Defense of Marriage Act.

January 2012: Human Trafficking Awareness Month Resources
By Diann L. Neu | More than 27 million women, men, and children have become victims of human trafficking for labor and sexual exploitation.

Women and Children First
By Mary E. Hunt
Human trafficking is a mega-billion dollar global industry unregulated by any country or international body. It is a criminal activity ignored and/or tolerated with devastating consequences for the person involved, most of whom are women and children.
Trafficking ranks just behind drug and arms trading as the most lucrative forms of commerce. Religiously informed social justice groups need to add this unspeakable activity to our agendas and bring the resources of our religious traditions to the task of eradicating it. I only wonder why it has taken some of us this long to focus our attention on an all too common phenomenon.