Bishops Search for Condoms in Cookie Boxes
History will record that in 2012 the Girl Scouts and nuns were living values the bishops could only mouth.

May 13 In Memory of Her: Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz
Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz, Presente!
(March 22, 1943 - May 13,…

Notify This! Vatican Bungles Response to Sexual Ethics Book by Mary E. Hunt
Margaret Farley’s name will forever be associated with Catholic moral theology that does justice.

June 13 Teleconference with Dr. Nikki Young
Join us on June 13th at 1pm (Eastern) to talk with Dr. Thelathia "Nikki" Young. Her research and work focuses on ethical issues of race, gender, and sexuality with particular attention to the black queer community. The teleconference, entitled "Queering the Human Situation," is sure to be an engaging hour. To RSVP, please e-mail the words "Register Me" to waterstaff@waterwomensalliance.org and you will receive dial-in information. More information to follow!

May 16 Teleconference with Melanie Morrison and Julia Watts Belser

May 7 Mary E. Hunt on Interfaith Voices Radio
Mary E. Hunt was a featured guest on the radio program Interfaith Voices. Her segment of the show, entitled "The Vatican's Crackdown on American Nuns: Two Views," is available for listening here.
The show was blurbed on the Interfaith Voices' website as follows:
“Serious doctrinal problems.” That was the Vatican’s official verdict on the largest leadership group of nuns in America, the Leadership Council for Women Religious. Among the complaints: the group is silent on core issues like abortion and homosexuality.
Reactions are mixed: some say that nuns, as vowed members of the Catholic Church, must first be obedient to the Vatican. Others say the church is changing, and that nuns are following their consciences. Two Catholic women - a feminist theologian and conservative journalist – debate the validity of the Vatican’s April statement.

April 28 Mary Hunt Quoted in New York Times
Mary E. Hunt, co-founder and co-director at WATER, wrote an article for Religion Dispatches about the Vatican's recent crackdown on the Catholic Leadership Conference of Women Religious. The article has since gone viral and was quoted by Nicholas Kristof in the Sunday New York Times.

May 2012 Prayer: Blessings on Mother's Day!
By Diann L. Neu | A mother is anyone who nurtures and cares for children.