March 4 Teleconference with Mary E. Hunt

Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
When the smoke subsides after the Conclave, there will still be a single man at the helm.

Ongoing - WATER Teleconference Survey
Please take time to complete this brief survey on WATER’s teleconferences. Your thoughts and suggestions are important to us.
The seven-question survey may be found here.
We look forward to hearing from you!

February 11 WATER’s Statement on the Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI
Let an Inclusive Church Rise!
WATER welcomes the news of the Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation and wishes him a peaceful and dignified future.
The Pope’s conscience-based decision reflects an honest assessment of his diminished capacity and an enlightened view of the job. We support freedom of conscience in this and in all things, including reproductive and sexual choices.
The Pope demonstrated by his abdication that change is afoot in the Catholic community. Rather than business as usual in the election of his successor, we take this as an opportunity to develop new forms of participatory leadership reflecting the diversity and maturity of the Catholic community. Let an inclusive church rise!
If substantive structural changes in the church begin to emerge, history will record Pope Benedict XVI with more than an asterisk for having retired. Rather, he will be remembered for ending a period of patriarchal rule and making way for a new era of equality. This is our prayer.

Papal Retirement: A Matter of Conscience
Instead of simply retiring quietly, Joseph Ratzinger might enjoy a good Bavarian beer with the rest of us as part of a renewed Church where all are welcome.

February 13 Teleconference Town Meeting
“Teleconference Town Meeting” with YOU and WATER Colleagues
1 PM - 2 PM EST
We need YOU to join us for our February 2013 Teleconference. It is really a Town Meeting of the larger community that listens to and participates in these wonderful monthly events.
We want to hear your feedback, get your ideas for topics and people for the months ahead. We have ideas of our own, but we want to hear what you think, whom you think we should invite, what issues we should prioritize.

Remembering Ada María Isasi-Díaz
I am grateful for the life and work of Ada, for her friendship and her solidarity.