The Contribution of Women and Religion to History
Who is missing from the PBS special "MAKERS: Women Who Make America"?

Theology Has Consequences: What Policies Will Pope Francis Champion?
My observation is that the recent papal election only serves to reinforce and re-inscribe the Vatican’s power.

Bergoglio’s “Jesuitical” Reaction to Argentina’s Dirty War
An interview with Mary E. Hunt on the papal transition.

March 12 Women-Church Convergence Press Release: Where are the Women?

March 8 "Conclave a 'farce' when women have no say" with Mary E. Hunt on CBC News

Catholic Patriarchy: What the Papal Transition Means and What Feminists Can Do About It
No matter who is elected, the process is mortally flawed because it represents a model of church that is long out of date.

March 2013 Prayer: Praise Women Leaders for International Women's Day
By Diann L. Neu | Praise to you, women leaders of the seven continents, for your many works of justice.