July 3-4 A Spiritual Gathering For All Women: Claiming Our Roots, Nourishing Our Branches

April 16 Article about Mary E. Hunt posted on Jann Aldredge-Clayton's Blog

"Con la sobreactuación caritativa no alcanza" por Guadalupe Treibel
Con Mary E. Hunt
Posted originally on Damiselas en Apuros.

Report of Feminist Liberation Theologians’ Network
The group looked critically at how members live out their feminist liberation theological commitments in their daily lives.

April 7 In Memory of Her: Ruth Harris, 1920-2013
Ruth Harris, a church leader of extraordinary gifts, died this…

April 24 Teleconference with Gina Messina-Dysert

April 2013 Ritual: Blessing A Spring Meal
By Diann L. Neu | This meal blessing follows the traditional structure of the Seder.