Early Influences Endure
A number of leading women in the Protestant world began their work in and around the student movements.

May 31 The Life of Ruth Harris: A Service of Remembrance and Celebration
Friday, May 31, 2013
Noon to 1:30pm, reception to follow

May 15 Rape Culture, Sexual Violence, and Spiritual Healing by Gina Messina-Dysert

Courage Needs to Make a Comeback to Create Change
A dose of courage would go a long way toward solving many ecclesial and civil problems.

May 22 Teleconference with Marie M. Fortune, Jeanette Stokes, Mary E. Hunt, and Diann L. Neu

April 16 Pope Francis and the American Sisters by Mary E. Hunt

May 2013 Ritual: A Pentecost Prayer: Come, Sophia-Spirit
By Diann L. Neu | Divine Wisdom, Sophia-Spirit, calls for the liberation of all from patriarchy and kyriarchy.