Mary E. Hunt Teaches in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Mary E. Hunt taught an intensive course in feminist theology at Universidade Metodista in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and was guest speaker at the university’s conference, XVII Semana de Estudos de Religiao on Hermeneutics.

What The Church Needs More Than a ‘Good Pope’ by Mary E. Hunt
Originally posted on Religion Dispatches

Mary E. Hunt Responds to Pope Francis
The full article can found on the National Religious Leadership Roundtable of the NGLTF

October 9 Teleconference with Nancy Sylvester

In Memory of Her
You can remember or honor someone special or an occasion by giving a donation in their name to WATER's In Memory of Her Fund. You are invited to send your donation with a check and an accompanying note, or donate on our website via PayPal and send us an email to waterstaff@hers.com honoring your loved one.
Where does "in memory of her" come from? According to Mark (14:9), Jesus said of the faithful woman who anointed him "and truly I say to you, wherever the gospel is preached in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her." Church history has since conveniently forgotten her name. In Memory of Her honors people from all religious or non-religious traditions.

WATER Congratulates Maureen Fielder, SL, in Celebrating Her 50th Jubilee
Mary E. Hunt gave the following remarks at Maureen Fielder's Interfaith Jubilee Service.
Breaking news! Call CNN! All four of the readings Maureen chose for her service are focused on women!

Mary & Diann Deliver Buehrig and Kaehler Archives in Switzerland
Diann L. Neu and Mary E. Hunt packed and delivered papers of pioneering Swiss feminist theologians Marga Buehrig and Else Kaehler to the Gosteli-Stiftung Archiv near Bern, Switzerland. Frau Marthe Gosteli received the materials enthusiastically for the Institute's extensive collection of Swiss women's history.

September 2013 Ritual: The World Needs Peacemakers
By Diann L. Neu | Now more than ever, we must call one another to be peacemakers.