July | August 2014 Ritual: Hand in Hand
By Diann L. Neu | The creative and healing power of the Divine has been represented through gestures of the human hand.

Religion is the New Political Science
If I were a member of Congress, I would hire a religion major on my staff.

September 10 WATERtalks with Andrea Smith
WATERtalks: Feminist Conversations
in Religion Series…

September 8 WATER Meditation/Contemplative Prayer

Join us on July 16th with Darlene O'Dell
July 2014 marks the 40th anniversary of the ordination of women…

Sisterly 2014 “Communities of Choice”
Come to the mountain and join lesbian, bi, trans, and queer women…

Author Connects the Dots of Sisters' Evolution
A review of Sr. Anne E. Patrick's latest volume, Conscience and Calling.

100 Faith Leaders Across the U.S. Say No to Religious Exemption to Discriminate Against LBGTIQ+ People
Our co-director, Mary E. Hunt, signed on to a letter…