"Church Synod Recap: Micromanaging the Morals of Others" By Mary E. Hunt
No human institution can withstand the torrent of history.

October 2014 Ritual: Breast Cancer Awareness Month
By Diann L. Neu | Contemplate words from women on breast cancer, and join in a prayer of healing.

"Ivone Gebara: Celebrating Colleagues" By Mary E. Hunt
Originally Posted for Feminist Studies in Religion

The Life of a ‘Scholar Activist’ (from National Catholic Reporter)
The life of a ‘scholar activist’
Editor’s note [from…

November 5 WATERtalk with Kate Kelly
WATERtalks: Feminist Conversations in Religion Series

November 3: WATER Meditation/Contemplative Prayer
Meditation/Contemplative Prayer
"Remembering Flannery…

October 28 WATERtalk with Theresa Kane
WATERtalks: Feminist Conversations in Religion Series