WATER Accepting Summer Internship Applications
Want to join WATER for a summer of feminist religious learning?…

February 2015 Ritual: Let the Winter Go!
By Diann L. Neu | Say goodbye to winter and welcome spring!

Report on 2014 Feminist Liberation Theologians’ Network Meeting in San Diego
by Mary E. Hunt and Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza
The Feminist…

Vatican Council on Women Would Be Funny Were It Not So Insulting
By Mary E. Hunt
Originally posted on Religion Dispatches

March 8 Discussion with Alice Knowles
Catholic Lesbian/ Queer Women’s Discussion
"Community and…

When Will Religious Leaders Start to Act Like Religious Leaders: Reflections on the LDS Press Conference
by Sharon Groves
Some are arguing that the recent LDS news…

A Poem from Annabeth Roeschley
"A Place Like WATER"
by Annabeth Roeschley
If there is…

A Reflection from Wendy
Wendy served as Staff Associate at the Women's Alliance for Theology,…

March 4 WATERtalk with Jann Aldredge-Clanton
WATERtalks: Feminist Conversations in Religion Series

A Consultation Reflection
By Marianne Duddy-Burke, executive director of DignityUSA