A Reflection from Patrice

By Patrice Rupp (Intern term 2022-2023)

I never believed myself to be an “office person,” but WATER proved me wrong. Surrounded by thousands of books and lovely company thanks to Mary and Diann, it felt like a perfect fit right from the start. When I left Germany for a volunteer service year from October 2022 to September 2023, a placement with WATER was not what I expected, but most certainly what I needed.

Through my Internship, I was able to gain many new skills: how to manage a website and a database, archiving, improving my writing skills, and using my creativity to plan a WATERritual or WATERmeditation, and much more.

I was responsible for handling Zoom, incoming emails and phone calls, which allowed me to reach out to all the admirable people connected to this Alliance. What I always liked about the WATER community was that it felt like family. I value the special bond I was able to form with so many intelligent people around the world. The programs were one of my favorite activities because they gave us time to share what moved us from main issues of feminist theology to the latest trends like the Barbie movie.

Representing WATER at different events throughout the Washington, DC area was another of my favorite tasks. I got to attend a Senate hearing regarding the Equal Rights Amendment, participate in a press conference at the US Capitol, and see Vice President Kamala Harris speak at Howard University. Of course, daily life at WATER doesn’t always look like that, but that does not make it any less interesting.

As an international intern, I can recommend this experience to everyone, regardless of where you come from and what knowledge you have. My journey was a never-ending learning process that helped me improve my English and understanding of U.S. work culture. Mary and Diann supported me with knowledge, recommendations, and so much more than I could have asked for.

My internship offered new tasks and new abilities while at the same time supporting my passions. WATER sees itself as a springboard for the future of its interns. Now that this future has arrived, I can confirm this is true.