April 24 Teleconference with Gina Messina-Dysert
“In Search of Healing: Confronting Rape Culture and Spiritual Violence”
Wednesday, April 24
1 PM – 2 PM (EDT)
Gina Messina-Dysert, Ph.D., will begin her new appointment as Dean of the School of Graduate and Professional Studies at Ursuline College this July and is currently serving as Visiting Assistant Professor of Theological Ethics at Loyola Marymount University and Director of The Center for Women’s Interdisciplinary Research and Education at Claremont Graduate University. She is also Co-founder and Co-Director of Feminism and Religion, an international project that explores the “F-word” in religion and the intersection between scholarship, activism, and community.
Gina earned her doctorate at Claremont Graduate University with a dual focus in women studies in religion and theology, ethics, and culture and completed a Master of Arts in religious studies at John Carroll University. Gina also earned a Master of Business Administration with a dual focus in organizational leadership and marketing at the University of Findlay and completed her undergraduate degree at Cleveland State University.
She is the author of multiple articles and the forthcoming book Rape Culture and Spiritual Violence. She co-edited with Rosemary Radford Ruether the forthcoming, Feminism and Religion in the 21st Century. Gina has given serious attention to issues faced by women in relation to religion and social justice.
Her research interests are theologically and ethically driven, involve a feminist and interdisciplinary approach, and are influenced by her activist roots and experience working with survivors of rape and domestic violence. Gina continues to work in movements to end violence against women and explores opportunities for spiritual healing for those who have encountered gender-based violence.
Her website can be accessed at http://ginamessinadysert.com and she can be followed on Twitter @FemTheologian.
Readings recommended by Gina Messina-Dysert for this teleconference include:
“What We’ve Learned from Steubenville”
“Rape Culture and the Church.”
“Women being ‘Raped Too Much?’: Fox News, Liz Trotta, and Rape Culture.”
Email “Register Me Teleconference” to waterstaff@waterwomensalliance.org by Tuesday, April 23 in order to receive dial-in information.