"Con la sobreactuación caritativa no alcanza" por Guadalupe Treibel

 Con Mary E. Hunt Posted originally on Damiselas en Apuros. La…

Report of Feminist Liberation Theologians’ Network

The group looked critically at how members live out their feminist liberation theological commitments in their daily lives.

April 7 In Memory of Her: Ruth Harris, 1920-2013

Ruth Harris, a church leader of extraordinary gifts, died this…

April 24 Teleconference with Gina Messina-Dysert

gmd_2948"In Search of Healing: Confronting Rape Culture and Spiritual Violence" Wednesday, April 24 1 PM - 2 PM (EDT) Gina Messina-Dysert, Ph.D., will begin her new appointment as Dean of the School of Graduate and Professional Studies at Ursuline College this July and is currently serving as Visiting Assistant Professor of Theological Ethics at Loyola Marymount University and Director of The Center for Women’s Interdisciplinary Research and Education at Claremont Graduate University.  She is also Co-founder and Co-Director of Feminism and Religion, an international project that explores the “F-word” in religion and the intersection between scholarship, activism, and community.

April 9 Happy Birthday, Janis Roihl!

403469_3538794162429_624530858_nWATER wishes Janis Roihl a wonderful 75th birthday. Janis is a networker par excellence whose work on the web keeps many people connected to idea, information, and one another. On this special day, we dedicate our efforts in gratitude for hers. Enjoy, Janis!

April 2013 Ritual: Blessing A Spring Meal

By Diann L. Neu | This meal blessing follows the traditional structure of the Seder.

The Contribution of Women and Religion to History

Who is missing from the PBS special "MAKERS: Women Who Make America"?

Theology Has Consequences: What Policies Will Pope Francis Champion?

My observation is that the recent papal election only serves to reinforce and re-inscribe the Vatican’s power.

Bergoglio’s “Jesuitical” Reaction to Argentina’s Dirty War

An interview with Mary E. Hunt on the papal transition.

March 12 Women-Church Convergence Press Release: Where are the Women?

Where are the Catholic women as the Cardinals meet in secrecy to elect from among themselves the next leader of the Catholic Church? Where is the other half of the Conclave?Where are the Catholic women as the Cardinals meet in secrecy to elect from among themselves the next leader of the Catholic Church? Where is the other half of the Conclave? Some women are protesting in St. Peter's Square demanding an equal part in the institutional church. Other women are in the parish pews praying for the next pope. But the vast majority of young and seasoned Catholic women are making their own choices about their faith and their lives. They are working to eradicate injustice, ministering to those in need, and celebrating the goodness of creation. They are exercising their moral authority despite the exclusionary ways of the hierarchy.