We are an international community of justice-seeking people who promote the use of feminist values to make religious and social change. We invite you to partner with us to continue making waves in feminism, religions, and societies!
Come visit!
8121 Georgia Ave. Suite 310 Silver Spring, MD 20910 301.589.2509 waterstaff@hers.com
WATER office
Support Our Work
As a 501(c)(3), WATER relies on an amazing team of allies to support us financially. If you believe in the work of feminist theology, ethics and ritual please consider making a donation today.
Catholics Choose Conscience Over Church
October 18 Executive Summary from A Report of Catholic Feminist Movement Building Conference
Ongoing - WATER CFC Approved Charity #23819
October 7 WATER Honors Sister Joan Chatfield!
October 5 Mary E. Hunt Highlighted on Feminism and Religion Blog
November 14 Teleconference with Margaret R. Miles
November 8 A Ritual for LGBTQI Justice
October 2012 Ritual: In Honor of Hildegard of Bingen
October 10 Teleconference with Dr. Melissa Browning
July | August Ritual 2012: “Wisdom Cries Out”