WATERtalks: Feminist Conversations in Religion

Radical Faith: The Assassination of Sister Maura

with Eileen Markey

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

1 PM – 2 PM ET


Join us for our February 2018 WATERtalk with Eileen Markey.

Eileen Markey is an investigative journalist whose work has appeared in the New York Times, New York Magazinethe Wall Street Journal, The Village Voice, America, National Catholic Reporter and BustedHalo among other publications. She has worked as a producer for WNYC New York Public Radio and teaches journalism at the City University of New York.  A graduate of Fordham University and Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, she has reported from London, Cambodia and Haiti, but spent most of her career covering urban poverty and public policy in New York City. Eileen grew up learning about the churchwomen and wanted to write the book to bring her journalism skills to better understand a story that had shaped her ideas on faith and political action. She lives in the Bronx with her husband and two sons.

We will provide recommended readings for those who register for this talk. All are welcome! Join us for an important conversation.

Feel free to email waterstaff@hers.com if you have any trouble registering or need more information. Thank you!