About waterstaff
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Entries by waterstaff
October 2020 WATERritual: Preparing for the Voting Outcome
October 28, 2020 in Blog, Featured, Monthly Rituals /by waterstaffFLTN Registration
October 27, 2020 in Blog /by waterstaffOctober 2020 WATERtalk notes: Traci C. West
October 16, 2020 in Blog, Featured, WATERtalks notes /by waterstaffSeptember 2020 WATERritual: Pray for Peace on Earth
September 30, 2020 in Blog, Featured, Monthly Rituals /by waterstaffIn Memory of Her: Dr. Virginia Ramey Mollenkott
September 28, 2020 in Blog, Featured, In Memory of Her /by waterstaffSeptember 2020 WATERtalk notes: Susan Thistlethwaite
September 18, 2020 in Blog, Featured, WATERtalks notes /by waterstaffCatholic Bishops’ Theological Mistakes on Abortion Come at a High Price
September 10, 2020 in Blog, Featured, Writings by Mary Hunt /by waterstaffBy Mary E. Hunt Originally published in Religion Dispatches September 3, 2020. The facts do not seem to be in dispute: a man from Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil raped his ten-year-old niece. By the time her pregnancy was discovered, her local jurisdiction declared that she was four days over the limit and the fetus was […]
Mary E. Hunt to Speak at Dignity/San Fransisco’s Guest Speaker Series, September 19, 2020
September 10, 2020 in Blog, Upcoming Events /by waterstaffMission
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8121 Georgia Ave. Suite 310 Silver Spring, MD 20910 301.589.2509 waterstaff@hers.com
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