Entries by waterstaff

A Reflection from Pamella

Internship at WATER Pamella Miller, Intern 2022-2023 The originator of the phrase “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade,” is unknown, but it captures the resilience and resourcefulness of overcoming adversity. Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics, and Ritual (WATER) has shown me in a profound way how to make lemonade with the lemons that life […]

In Memory of Her – Sister Theresa Kane, RSM

In Memory of Her Sister Theresa Kane, RSM  1936-2024 A Celebration of Life On September 4th, FutureChurch hosted a virtual celebration of life for Sister Theresa Kane. WATER was happy to co-sponsor. Over 400 people remembered, honored, and gave thanks for this extraordinary woman, leader, friend, and visionary. In addition to singing, praying, and reflecting on Scripture, […]