November 11 WATERtalk with Dr. Kelly Brown Douglas
“Stand Your Ground: Black Bodies and the Justice of God” with Dr. Kelly Brown Douglas (11/11)
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud waterstaff contributed a whooping 942 entries.
“Stand Your Ground: Black Bodies and the Justice of God” with Dr. Kelly Brown Douglas (11/11)
WATER joins family, friends, and colleagues who mourn the untimely death of Rita M. Gross, Buddhist feminist scholar, practitioner, and teacher.
WATER colleague from Cuba, Clarita Lazaro, brought laughter and enthusiasm on her first visit to our office.
Meditation/Contemplative Prayer “How do you spell love?” with Janet Bohren Monday, November 9, 2015 at 7:30 PM (ET) at WATER and by telephone Our next gathering for Contemplative Prayer at WATER will be with Janet Bohren on Monday, November 9, 2015, at 7:30 PM (ET). Register Here! WATER offers a contemplative prayer opportunity each month. This is a […]
Join the Feminist Liberation Theologians’ Network at the American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting on November 20. RSVP to Mary E. Hunt at
WATER was inspired by the women who walked 100 miles in support of immigration reform.
The following prayers unite us with those who have or have had cancer, their friends, colleagues, and loved ones. And some have said, these prayers are helpful for all of us.
Welcoming the Bus by Emily Harder While coverage of Pope Francis for his Washington, DC visit was in high supply, there was a significant story line missing from the week’s news report. Tuesday, September 22nd, a bus full of passionate and determined nuns and supporters pulled into the National Mall a full hour before the Pope […]
Mary E. Hunt article published by the National Catholic Reporter
Notes from “Creating ‘Radical Grace'” — a conversation with Rebecca Parrish, Chris Schenk, and Simone Campbell (10/7)
We are an international community of justice-seeking people who promote the use of feminist values to make religious and social change. We invite you to partner with us to continue making waves in feminism, religions, and societies!
8121 Georgia Ave. Suite 310 Silver Spring, MD 20910 301.589.2509
As a 501(c)(3), WATER relies on an amazing team of allies to support us financially. If you believe in the work of feminist theology, ethics and ritual please consider making a donation today.