Entries by waterstaff

November 2013 Meditation Follow-up

“One Minute for Peace” with Mary E. Hunt “One Minute for Peace” is a project of the American Friends Service Committee, a Quaker group located in Philadelphia (www.afsc.org). They have been doing peace work for nine decades. They received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1947 along with the British Quakers for their post-war efforts to […]

December 2013 Meditation Follow-up

“To Know the Dark” with Geralyn McDowell Audio available here.   To Dance with God: Family Ritual and Community Celebration by Gertrude Mueller Nelson “It is Advent, and, along with nature, we are a people waiting.  Far out of the south, the winter light becomes thin and milky.  The days grow shorter and colder and the nights […]

February 2014 Meditation Follow-up

“Swing Low” with Mary E. Hunt featuring a poem by Jane Schaberg. Audio available here.   “Swing Low” by Jane Schaberg After hours bent over Merkabah and Hekhalot texts and rabbinic and biblical materials over the apocrypha and various translations I expect/ I would like/ I hope for/ dream of a death with the horses of […]

March 2014 Meditation Follow-up

“Water…the Beauty, the Power, the Strength of It” with Sr. Hope Bauerlin featuring the poem “The Waterfall” for May Swenson by Mary Oliver Audio available here.   “The Waterfall” for May Swenson by Mary Oliver (New and Selected Poems. Vol. 1. Boston: Beacon, 1992. pp. 19-20). “For all the said, I could not see the waterfall […]

April 2014 Meditation Follow-up

“Mountain Beauty: Timeless and Deep Over the Millennia” with Janet L. Bohren featuring the poem “The Inexorable Refinement of Time” by Joan Chittister. Audio available here.   “The Inexorable Refinement of Time” by Joan Chittister from For Everything a Season Plutarch wrote, “Time is the wisest of all counselors.” The truth is that time is all we […]

June 2014 Meditation Follow-up

Contemplative Prayer/Meditation with Cathy Jaskey  The search —for self,for wisdom,for love,for truth,for justice,for God —is strenuous and unending.We need good companionsin order to persevere in it.In good company,in a community of conviction,the quest never loses itsrelevance,its urgency,or its savor. -Kaye Ashe, OP

September 2014 Meditation Notes

WATER’s September Contemplative Prayer/Meditation featured Judy Bond, who shared a passage by Maya Angelou. Poem and audio below. “What sets one Southern town apart from another, or from a Northern town or hamlet, or city high-rise? The answer must be the experience shared between the unknowing majority (it) and the knowing minority (you). All of childhood’s […]

October 2014 Contemplative Prayer Notes

“The Journey Towards Justice” with Janet Bohren The poem Janet Bohren shared was by George R. Pasley, a poet and pastor at Ketchikan Presbyterian Church in Alaska. To read more of his poetry, visit his Facebook. Below is the poem and audio. “The Journey Towards Justice” by George R. Pasley The journey towards justice Is not […]

FiR Blog: Amplifying Voices

By Rebecca Alpert and Thelathia “Nikki” Young This post was first published on the Feminist Studies in Religion blog. In December 2014 the leaders of Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics, and Ritual (commonly known as WATER) gathered a group of fourteen together at a bucolic Catholic retreat center in Maryland. Our task was to respond […]

April 15 WATERtalk with Dr. Namsoon Kang

WATERtalks: Feminist Conversations in Religion Series  “Where are You FROM and Where ARE You? Cosmopolitan and Diasporic Modes of Thinking and Acting” with Dr. Namsoon Kang Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 1 p.m. ET   Namsoon Kang, professor of World Christianity and Religions, joined Brite faculty in 2006, having taught previously at the Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge, […]