Entries by waterstaff

September 10 WATERtalks with Andrea Smith

  WATERtalks: Feminist Conversations in Religion Series Presents “Addressing Violence Against Women of Color” An hour-long teleconference with Andrea Smith Wednesday, September 10, 2014 1 pm – 2 pm EDT Andrea Smith is a co-founder of Incite! Women of Color Against Violence and the Boarding School Healing Coalition. She is the author of Conquest: Sexual Violence and American Indian Genocide and […]

September 8 WATER Meditation/Contemplative Prayer

 (1) Contemplative Prayer
“Come and Listen
with Cheryl Nichols Jaskey 
Monday, July 11, 2014
7:30 PM (EDT)

WATER offers a regular contemplative prayer opportunity each month. This is a communal meditation, a time of silence and reflection followed by a short discussion. You can join us in person at WATER or over the phone.

Sisterly 2014 “Communities of Choice”

Come to the mountain and join lesbian, bi, trans, and queer women of faith and our allies to explore “Communities of Choice.” Sisterly Conversations is a chance to step out of routine and into a circle of welcoming, compassionate friends who value the insights of each participant and cherish the chance to connect with spirited […]

An Intern “Comes Out” for Choice: the Hobby Lobby Ruling

“Coming Out” for Choice: Reflections on the Hobby Lobby Ruling “The court, I fear, has ventured into a minefield…” “…a decision of startling breadth”  – Justice Ginsburg’s dissent. Marching in the Zoo Parade Part of my internship with WATER this summer is gaining on-the-ground insight into how faith and politics intersect. I couldn’t ask for a better […]

“Let Justice Roll On Like a River!” Christian Feminism Today 2014 Gathering

“Let Justice Roll On Like a River!” The Christian Feminism Today 2014 Gathering June 26-29, 2014at the Sheraton Westport Plaza Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri. Speakers include Mary E. Hunt, Sharon Groves of HRC, Rev. Deb Vaughn, and many more. This year’s biennial conference is officially known as the EEWC‐Christian Feminism Today 2014 Gathering.  The conference theme, “Let Justice Roll On Like a River!”, comes from the book of Amos: “But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never‐failing stream!” 5:24 (NIV). After a time of gathering and fellowship on Thursday night, June 26, conference presentations get underway at 8:00 am on Friday, June 27.  Presentations include a variety of workshops, plenary and student presentations, worship, and a Saturday evening performance by the popular folk duo, The Troubadours of Divine Bliss.

July 13 Discussion with Marsie Silvestro

WATER invites you for a discussion on “Sisterly TRANCE-Formation: Opening Our Eyes and Hearts to Honor Self-Evolution” Led by Marsie Silvestro Sunday, July 13, 2014at 11:30AM EDT REGISTER HERE! Marsie Silvestro is an internationally known composer, artist, poet, speaker, activist, and author. Her music, art, and writings reflect her many years of working with women in the areas […]

July 16 Teleconference with Darlene O’Dell

WATER’s Feminist Conversations in Religion Series Presents “Messages from 1974: The Story of the Philadelphia Eleven” An hour-long teleconference with Darlene O’Dell Wednesday, July 16, 2014 1 pm – 2 pm EDT Register Here! The ordination of Episcopal women priests forty years ago this season heralded a new chapter in women’s ministerial history. Darlene O’Dell […]

Congratulations Clarafrancie!

Congratulations Clarafrancie! Congratulations to Clarafrancie Deneice Cromer on her ordination on June 8th, 2014 at the Metropolitan Baptist Church, Washington, D.C. She graduated from Wesley Theological Seminary and did a year-long internship at WATER. All blessings on her ministry!

Homily, Janet Kalven’s Memorial Service

Homily by Mary E. Hunt At Janet Kalven’s Memorial Service June 1, 2014 | Grailville, Loveland, Ohio Originally posted for Feminist Studies in Religion How fitting that we gather here at Grailville, the center that Janet Kalven helped to found, in this lovely barn turned Oratory on the land that Janet Kalven loved. As was evident […]