Entries by waterstaff

In Memory of Her

You can remember or honor someone special or an occasion by giving a donation in their name to WATER’s In Memory of Her Fund. You are invited to send your donation with a check and an accompanying note, or donate on our website via PayPal and send us an email to waterstaff@hers.com honoring your loved one.

Where does “in memory of her” come from? According to Mark (14:9), Jesus said of the faithful woman who anointed him “and truly I say to you, wherever the gospel is preached in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her.” Church history has since conveniently forgotten her name. In Memory of Her honors people from all religious or non-religious traditions.

Sisterhood and Solidarity in Sweden and Iceland

Mary E. Hunt was privileged to offer the keynote lecture at a weekend symposium on “Friendship, Theology and Sisterhood” sponsored by the Seglora Foundation and hosted by the Sigtuna Foundation in Sigtuna, Sweden, November 9-10, 2013. Participants included journalists, ministers, academics,and activists notably WATER Volunteer in Global Service, Ann-Cathrin Jarl.

Happy 90th Birthday, Joyce Ride!

WATER applauds Joyce Ride on the occasion of her 90th birthday, which she celebrated with style in Washington, DC. She was in Washington for the awarding of the Medal of Freedom to her late daughter, the astronaut Sally Ride.

Joyce’s passion for justice knows no bounds. She is active in Friends Outside, a group that helps women in prison. She has pushed the Presbyterian Church toward greater inclusion of LGBTIQ people. She stands up and is counted on many struggles. Her marvelous humor and her stalwart support make her a WATER favorite.

Ad multos annos, Joyce Ride!

December 18 Teleconference with Keri Day

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA“Is Moral Economy Possible?”
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
1 -2 PM EST

Dr. Keri Day is Assistant Professor of Theological and Social Ethics and the Director of the Black Church Studies Program at Brite Divinity School, Texas Christian University. She has her B.S. in Political Science with a minor in Economics. She earned an M.A. in Religion and Ethics from Yale University and her Ph.D. in Religion from Vanderbilt University.

RSVP by sending an email with the words “Register Me Teleconference” to waterstaff@waterwomensalliance.org in order to receive dial-in information.