Entries by waterstaff

October 9 Teleconference with Nancy Sylvester

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA“Contemplation: An Invitation to
Faith-filled Feminists”
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
1 -2 PM EDT

Nancy Sylvester, IHM, Founder and President of the Institute for Communal Contemplation and Dialogue (ICCD) which began in 2002. Nancy is committed to the transforming power of communal contemplation in one’s life and the life of the community. She believes it invites the shifts in consciousness so necessary to embrace our evolutionary journey and engage the critical issues facing us in ways that foster dialogue, relationships, compassion and justice.

In Memory of Her

You can remember or honor someone special or an occasion by giving a donation in their name to WATER’s In Memory of Her Fund. You are invited to send your donation with a check and an accompanying note, or donate on our website via PayPal and send us an email to waterstaff@hers.com honoring your loved one.

Where does “in memory of her” come from? According to Mark (14:9), Jesus said of the faithful woman who anointed him “and truly I say to you, wherever the gospel is preached in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her.” Church history has since conveniently forgotten her name. In Memory of Her honors people from all religious or non-religious traditions.

A Letter from the WATER Interns

“Together we are a genius,” a saying from women of The Grail oft repeated by Mary E. Hunt, has been verified by us time and again in the WATER office.
You are part of this collaborative genius too, so we want to share our experiences at WATER with you and to ask you to give a gift to help WATER train more interns!

WATER Recieves President’s Award from DignityUSA

For Thirty Years of Leadership in using Feminist Religious Values to Create Social Change

DignityUSA Award

“We are deeply grateful, honored, and humbled to receive the President’s Award from DignityUSA for WATER on our 30th Anniversary. Thank you! That it comes during the distinguished presidency of Lourdes Rodríguez-Nogués only makes us cherish it more. We receive this award as a symbol of our common commitment and as a sign of our intention to work with Dignity for many years to come. The women’s retreat that we collaborated on this week was a rich and delightful example of how together we can deepen and diversify our outreach. We look forward to many more opportunities to collaborate.”
 − Mary E. Hunt and Diann L. Neu

July 16 In Memory of Her

Consider honoring an important person in your life by giving a donation in their name to WATER’s “In Memory of Her” Fund. Your gift honors the life, memory, or achievement of an important person in your life and provides much needed support for WATER. Send your donation with a check and an accompanying note, or donate on our website via PayPal and send us an email to waterstaff@hers.com honoring your loved one.

September 11 Teleconference with Linn Marie Tonstad

Wednesday, September 11, 2013
1 -2 PM EDT

Linn Marie Tonstad is a constructive theologian working at the intersection of systematic theology with feminist and queer theory. Her research interests focus on the relationship between the doctrine of God and anthropology, or the way in which God is thought to be similar or different from visions of human beings.

She is currently completing her first book, provisionally entitled “God and Difference: Experimental Trinitarian Theology,” where she examines and critiques the visions of divine personhood advanced by a number of contemporary theologians. She pays particular attention to the implications of such visions for thinking about sex, gender, and sexuality in contemporary Christian theology.