Bergoglio’s “Jesuitical” Reaction to Argentina’s Dirty War
An interview with Mary E. Hunt on the papal transition.
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud waterstaff contributed a whooping 940 entries.
An interview with Mary E. Hunt on the papal transition.
Where are the Catholic women as the Cardinals meet in secrecy to elect from among themselves the next leader of the Catholic Church? Where is the other half of the Conclave?Where are the Catholic women as the Cardinals meet in secrecy to elect from among themselves the next leader of the Catholic Church? Where is the other half of the Conclave?
Some women are protesting in St. Peter’s Square demanding an equal part in the institutional church. Other women are in the parish pews praying for the next pope. But the vast majority of young and seasoned Catholic women are making their own choices about their faith and their lives. They are working to eradicate injustice, ministering to those in need, and celebrating the goodness of creation. They are exercising their moral authority despite the exclusionary ways of the hierarchy.
Mary Hunt, co-founder of the Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual, says the conclave process for electing a new pope isn’t transparent or democratic
You can watch the whole video here at the CBC’s website (The video follows a brief ad):
No matter who is elected, the process is mortally flawed because it represents a model of church that is long out of date.
By Diann L. Neu | Praise to you, women leaders of the seven continents, for your many works of justice.
A Feminist Conversation on Catholic Patriarchy: What the Papal Transition Means and What Feminists Can Do About It
**MONDAY,** March 4, 2013
1 pm – 2 pm EST
RSVP by 10 AM Monday, March 4, 2013
Mary E. Hunt will offer an overview of the papal transition as a classic example of patriarchy unfolding for the world to see live. She will explore the religious significance of elite, exclusionary approaches to governance. Dr. Hunt will look at the social implications of the world’s largest Christian denomination modeling a monarchical way of being in an increasingly democratic world. She will suggest several feminist strategies for countering this approach and creating constructive new ways of being church that focus on participation, safety, and accountability.
When the smoke subsides after the Conclave, there will still be a single man at the helm.
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Let an Inclusive Church Rise!
WATER welcomes the news of the Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation and wishes him a peaceful and dignified future.
The Pope’s conscience-based decision reflects an honest assessment of his diminished capacity and an enlightened view of the job. We support freedom of conscience in this and in all things, including reproductive and sexual choices.
The Pope demonstrated by his abdication that change is afoot in the Catholic community. Rather than business as usual in the election of his successor, we take this as an opportunity to develop new forms of participatory leadership reflecting the diversity and maturity of the Catholic community. Let an inclusive church rise!
If substantive structural changes in the church begin to emerge, history will record Pope Benedict XVI with more than an asterisk for having retired. Rather, he will be remembered for ending a period of patriarchal rule and making way for a new era of equality. This is our prayer.
We are an international community of justice-seeking people who promote the use of feminist values to make religious and social change. We invite you to partner with us to continue making waves in feminism, religions, and societies!
8121 Georgia Ave. Suite 310 Silver Spring, MD 20910 301.589.2509
As a 501(c)(3), WATER relies on an amazing team of allies to support us financially. If you believe in the work of feminist theology, ethics and ritual please consider making a donation today.