Adult Feminists in Charge of Things Catholic
How are we going to act now that we are in the driver’s seat?
This author has yet to write their bio.
Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud waterstaff contributed a whooping 940 entries.
How are we going to act now that we are in the driver’s seat?
By Diann L. Neu and Cheryl Nichols | Let us pray for the wisdom and grace to glean from debates, discussions, prayers, readings, and reflections, the attitudes and values that are healing, compassionate, uniting, and just.
Catholics may well decide the election. But I daresay it won’t be because they line up behind the bishops.
Call To Action (CTA) and the Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual (WATER) co-convened a group of Catholic feminist thought leaders at the Retreat and Conference Center at Bon Secours in Maryland from July 8-11, 2012. With theologians, media professionals, ministers, and activists at the table, the convening created the environment for a broad analysis of the current Catholic feminist movement and the creative cultivation of ideas for the movement’s future.
As a Catholic feminist theologian, activist, teacher, and writerMary Hunt has made a massive impact in the field of feminism and religion. Following the completion of her graduate education (MA, Harvard Divinity School, M.Div., Jesuit School of Theology, Ph.D., Graduate Theological Union), Mary recognized a strong need for theological, liturgical, and ethical development by and for women and responded by co-foundingWATER (The Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics, and Water) in 1983. Over the last 3+ decades, she has been instrumental in addressing social injustice and creating change in religion and community.
“Imagining the Intelligent Body”
Join us for an exciting conversation on Wednesday, November 14, 2012 at 1 PM (EST) with Margaret Miles about her forthcoming work on imagining the intelligent body. She takes off from her highly praised book Augustine and the Fundamentalist’s Daughter to explore how the intelligent body differs from the usual Western formulation of the rational mind. She will offer a feminist approach to moving beyond the body/soul dualism to a more wholistic way of living.
Post-Election Virtual Ritual Ritual and Resources for Post-Campaign Join us for… A litany read by the faith directors of the four campaigns, personal reflection and inspiration from different religious and spiritual traditions, song, silence, and lighting candles of hope and resistance. A Ritual of Pause, Letting Go, Gratitude and Hope – Flyer (pdf) To Participate […]
By Diann L. Neu | The soul that is full of wisdom is saturated with the spray of a bubbling fountain – God herself.
We are an international community of justice-seeking people who promote the use of feminist values to make religious and social change. We invite you to partner with us to continue making waves in feminism, religions, and societies!
8121 Georgia Ave. Suite 310 Silver Spring, MD 20910 301.589.2509
As a 501(c)(3), WATER relies on an amazing team of allies to support us financially. If you believe in the work of feminist theology, ethics and ritual please consider making a donation today.