Entries by waterstaff

Free Advent Resource

Expecting the Word: A “Words Matter” Daily Devotional Study for Advent

Advent is just around the corner, and if you are looking for a resource to assist in your observance of the season, look no further! Find day-by-day scripture and insightful reflections by scholars and theologians…

November 9 Teleconference

Bernadette Brooten

WATER’s Feminist Conversations in Religion Series continues with Bernadette Brooten as our featured speaker. To register, send the words “register me” to waterstaff@hers.com.

November 10 Women’s Ritual

Come to WATER for our monthly women’s ritual! This month’s theme is “A Women’s Harvest Festival.” When: Thursday, November 10th at 7pm Where: WATER office (8121 Georgia Avenue, Suite 310, Silver Spring, MD) Feel free to bring a friend and spread the word! Please RSVP to waterstaff@waterwomensalliance.org by Wednesday, November 9th.