July|August 2015: Summer Harvest Ritual
The first harvest of the year is celebrated in August (and in February in the Southern Hemisphere) when fruits and vegetables are plentiful.

September 14: WATER Meditation/Contemplative Prayer
Meditation/Contemplative Prayer
with Mary E. Hunt

Seismic Shift, Religious Reflections
by Mary E. Hunt
I do not recall a time in the United States…

July 12 Discussion with Honour Maddock
Catholic Lesbian/ Queer Women’s Discussion
"Catholic — Done…

'Radical Grace' Wins Rave Reviews at U.S. Premiere
"Gifts are given before you need them."
So believes Sister…

July 8 WATERtalk with Aisha Beliso-De Jesus
Join WATER colleagues and Professor Aisha M. Beliso-De Jesús for an exciting look at Afro-Cuban religions.

WATER mourns the loss of nine persons whose lives of prayer ended…

July 13: WATER Meditation/Contemplative Prayer
Meditation/Contemplative Prayer
"The Other Face of God"
with Cheryl…