June 12 WATERmeditation with Phoebe Knopf

Join us for our WATERmeditation on June 12, 2017 with Phoebe Knopf, "Beginners"

WATERtalk Notes: Judith Freeman

Notes from our May 2017 WATERtalk with Judith Freeman, "THE LATTER DAYS: Surviving Mormon Patriarchy in the Age of Feminism"

In Memory of Her: Nadine Foley

WATER mourns the loss of our colleague and great religious…

May 2017: A Blessing for Nurses

A blessing in honor of National Nurses Week 2017.

In Conversation: The Bicentennial Gomes Honorees

Mary E. Hunt's remarks on the Gomes Honoree panel at Harvard Divinity School's bicentennial celebration.

May 16 WATERritual: Mother's Day Ritual

May 16 WATERritual Mother's Day Ritual with Diann L. Neu…

Sacred places that nurture us

Read Mary E. Hunt's most recent Essay in the National Catholic Reporter