Women's Ordination Conference
Although the Conference is over, the work continues. Learn more…

Mary E. Hunt & the Real News Network discuss Pope Francis
In light of the papal visit, watch Mary E. Hunt share some thoughts on Pope Francis and his papacy in an interview with the Real News Network (9/22/15).

Mary E. Hunt: Celebrating the Accomplishments of the Women's Ordination Movement
Mary E. Hunt's opening speech for the Women's Ordination Conference and Women's Ordination Worldwide meeting in Philadelphia, 9/18/15

Did Ireland Just Bury The Catholic Church?
Many people think the vote heralds the end of the Roman Catholic Church as we know it.

Women's Equality in the Church is No Longer Negotiable
It is not the nuns’ problem but everyone’s.

Vatican Council on Women Would Be Funny Were It Not So Insulting
By Mary E. Hunt
Originally posted on Religion Dispatches

The Changing Fortunes of Feminism
Feminism is contested territory.

"Church Synod Recap: Micromanaging the Morals of Others" By Mary E. Hunt
No human institution can withstand the torrent of history.

Wesolowski Sexual Abuse Case: A New Approach or Same Old Same Old?
If this is how the new guidelines work with regard to sexual abuse victims, I say back to the drawing boards.

Religion is the New Political Science
If I were a member of Congress, I would hire a religion major on my staff.