"Love Your Friends" and "Friends Act Friendly"

Two lectures Mary E. Hunt gave at the Fall Symposium in Sigtuna, Sweden are now available online.

Safety for Women Writers

Women writers face danger every time we put something in print.

Robert Nugent, a Priest’s Priest

Robert Nugent was a scholar and writer. He was also an old fashioned priest with a new fangled congregation.

The Trouble With Francis: Three Things That Worry Me

Will Pope Francis be featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated engaging in "spiritual exercises"?

A New Dynamic: Conversations Add Depth to Essays by Catholic Women Theologians

In Mexico City June 18, mothers carry posters of their daughters who disappeared in Ciudad Juárez.

AAR/SBL Tips for Feminists and Others

Advice for attending the American Academy of Religion/ Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting

What The Church Needs More Than a ‘Good Pope’ by Mary E. Hunt

Originally posted on Religion Dispatches

All or Nothing?

If there is anything new under the religious sun, it is the changing patterns of how people are religious.

June 6: Volunteers in Global Service—The First Volunteer

The first Volunteer in Global Service fulfilled the group’s mission with generosity, skill, and style.

Early Influences Endure

A number of leading women in the Protestant world began their work in and around the student movements.