Combat Soldiers & Clergywomen: Problematic Equality

When the celebrations wind down I will be looking for people who want to ask hard questions about how we humans deal with our differences without war.

AAR Series: Being Undone by the Feminist Other

Is it possible for us to support and work to strengthen one another’s feminist enactments even when they look very different from our own?

AAR Series: Gamer-Player/ Gamer-Avatar: The Potential of a Video-Gaming Body

Sara Frykenberg lays out the potential of games to shed light on multiple embodiments.

AAR Series: Feminism, Religion and Social Media: Expanding Borders in the Twenty-First Century

I think any feminist analysis of blogging needs to include a highly nuanced look at just who the bloggers are and what we represent, how we think about feminism, and with whom we are allied.

AAR Series: Feminism, Religion and Social Media: Expanding Borders in the Twenty-First Century

Technology plus ideas and hard work can change the world as we know it.

Adult Feminists in Charge of Things Catholic

How are we going to act now that we are in the driver’s seat?

Catholics Choose Conscience Over Church

Catholics may well decide the election. But I daresay it won’t be because they line up behind the bishops.

Nuns on the Bus

The bus trip proved that there is a deep hunger for this kind of faith-based organizing.

Bishops Search for Condoms in Cookie Boxes

History will record that in 2012 the Girl Scouts and nuns were living values the bishops could only mouth.

Notify This! Vatican Bungles Response to Sexual Ethics Book by Mary E. Hunt

Margaret Farley’s name will forever be associated with Catholic moral theology that does justice.