Eight BVMs Celebrate their Golden Jubilee!

From top to bottom: Elizabeth Avalos, Stasia Stafford, Margaret Mear, Barbara Fernandes, Veronica Higgins, Kate Hendel, Kathleen Antol and Marge Clark.
Carolyn Farrell honors the BVM Jubilarians with a donation to WATER. WATER joins her in celebrating their many years of commitment to service and social justice work in religious life.
The eight Golden Jubilarians are Sisters Kathleen Antol, Elizabeth C. Avalos, Marge M. Clark, Barbara Fernandes, Catherine E. Hendel, Veronica Higgins, Margaret Mear, and Mary Stasia Stafford. They entered the BVM congregation on July 31, 1963.
The Sisters gathered in the Mount Carmel Motherhouse Chapel in Dubuque on July 21, 2013, for a liturgy of thanksgiving.
Thank you for all you do!