In Memory of Her

big white waterlily

You can remember or honor someone special or an occasion by giving a donation in their name to WATER’s In Memory of Her Fund. You are invited to send your donation with a check and an accompanying note, or donate on our website via PayPal and send us an email to honoring your loved one.

Where does “in memory of her” come from?

According to Mark (14:9), Jesus said of the faithful woman who anointed him “and truly I say to you, wherever the gospel is preached in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her.” Church history has since conveniently forgotten her name. In Memory of Her honors people from all religious or non-religious traditions.

The following is our current list of remembrance:

From WATER: In memory of Elaine Wainwright (also see:

From Carrie Roach: In memory of Charlie Mae Napier and Jean Lai

From Sabrina McCarthy: In memory of Alberta Reine Chatard

From Fred D Percival and Margaret M Barnicle: In memory of Fred and Pat Percival

From the Pat and Patty Crowley Fund: In memory of Patricia Crowley OSB

From Tracey M Weis: In memory of her mother, Peggy Weis

From Carrie Jeanne and David Roach: In remembrance of Dr. Mercedes Iannone

From Susan Sylvester Neff and Richard A. Neff: In memory of Katherine R. Sylvester

From Phyllis J. Long: In memory of Virginia Ramey Mollenkott

From Maureen Tesoro, acknowledging Eileen Lennon: In memory of Patricia Black

From Carole Grunberg: In memory of Kate Cudlipp

From Deb Vaughn: In memory of Virginia Ramey Mollenkott

From Virginia Day: In memory of Sister Carolyn Farrell, BVM

From Beth Jordan, acknowledging Michael Uram: In memory of Jim Reinhardt

From Deb Amatulli of Suffolk, VA: In memory of her partner Terry

From Molly and Alan Murdock: In memory of Carol Scinto

From WATER: In memory of Sister Joan Chatfield, MM, and Sister Maria Rieckelman, MM

From Rockhaven: In memory of Sister Hope, OSF, and Sister Tobias Hagan, CSJ

From James Meyer: In memory of Jean Meyer, OP

From Jane Thorley Roeschley of Illinois: In honor of Annabeth Roeschley

From Joe Scinto of Maryland: In memory of Carol Scinto and Sister Hope, OSF

From Deb Amatulli of Suffolk, VA: In memory of her partner Terry, her beloved aunt Mary, and niece Mary Sue

From Amy Xu of Maryland: In memory of Mary Brewster

From Melanie Mapp of Marylyand: In memory of Mary Brewster

From Beth Gorman of San Francisco, CA: In memory of her mother, Jane Gorman

From Virginia Ramey Mollenkott of Pompton Plains, NJ: In memory of Judith Suzannah Tilton

From Michelle Cadwallader of Richmond, VA: In memory of Mary Brewster

From Blu and Irving Greenberg of Bronx, NY: In honor of Mary Hunt

From Nancy E. Krody of Springfiled, PA: In memory of Pat Szabo, M.D.

From Rev. Anne Stewart of Fairhaven, MD: In memory of Mary Brewster and Jane Engel

From Maureen and Michael Tesoro of Sharon, CT: In memory of Patricia Black

From Jeremy Stowell: In memory of dear friend Rita Gross

From Christine Meyer, CSJ of Salina, Kansas: In memory of Sisters Margaret Houston and Esther Pineda

From Rev. Madeline Jervis of Falls Church, Virginia: In honor of her daughter Rev. Dr. Mary L. Foulke, Rector of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Harlem, New York City, New York

From Chris Herman and Wendy Webb of Brentwood, Maryland: In memory of Chris’ mother, Jan Herman of Timberlake, OH, and Wendy’s Friend, Mary Aquin O’Neil of Baltimore, MD

From Mary Sliney of Goffstown, NH: In memory of Michaela Tkacz who died October 25, 2016

From Carolyn Moynihan Bradt of Verona, WI: In memory of Marian Kelley

From The Rev. Dr. Renate Rose of Cambridge, Massachusetts and Rickenbach, Germany: In memory of Rose Arthur and Sylvia Gilman

From Jean Stokan and Scott Wright of Mt. Rainier, MD: In memory of Berta Cáceres

From Patricia Henry of Lewes, DE: In memory of her sister, Jean Puddington

From Beth Jordan of Santa Rosa, CA: In memory of Janis Roihl

From Maureen and Michael Tesoro of Sharon, CT: In memory of Patricia Black

From The Rev. Alden and Victoria Sproull: In memory of Lannay Sue Monks

From Cynthia Schultz of Washington, DC: In memory of Hildegard Kohlwes

From Virginia Day of New York, NY: In honor of the 95th birthday of her mother Virginia O’Leary, Rest in Peace

From Rita Voors of Fort Wayne, IN: In memory of Rosalie Hasley

From Carolyn Farrell of Dubuque, IA: In honor of the BVM’s Golden Jubilee

From Joan Pinkman of Hyattsville, MD: In memory of Hope Brown

From Robin, Michael, Francesca & Nicholas Tesoro of Cummington, MD: In celebration of Eileen Lennon‘s 70th Birthday

From Maureen Lennon of Nyack, NY: In honor of Eileen Lennon

From Paul Colfer of San Francisco, CA: In memory of Gerald and Veronica Colfer

From Anna Beth Roeschley of Washington, DC: In honor of the union of Emily Derstine and Christopher Friesen

From Darlene Clements of San Antonio, TX: In memory of John J. Murnin

From  Martha Di Domenico of Oceanside, NY: In memory of Carol Murdock Scinto

From Joe Scinto of Rockville, MD: In memory of Carol Scinto

From Barbara E. Steinberg of Owings Mills, MD: In memory of Debbie Lafontaine

From Susan Sylvester Neff of Missoula, MT: In memory of Katherine R. Sylvester

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In Memory of Her - Elaine Wainwright

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