June 8 WATERtalk with Joan Chittister

WATERtalks: Feminist Conversations in Religion Series 

“Scarred by Struggle,
Transformed by Hope”

with Joan Chittister, OSB

Wednesday, June 8, 2016, at 1 PM (ET)

Joan Chittister is an articulate social analyst and influential religious leader of this age. For over 40 years she has dedicated herself to advocating for universal recognition of the critical questions impacting the global community.

A Benedictine Sister of Erie, PA, Sister Joan is an international lecturer and award-winning author of over 50 books. Her work focuses on topics of justice, peace, and equality, especially for women, in church and in society.

Sister Joan is a longtime advocate for peace and nonviolence, serving as a founding member of The Global Peace Initiative of Women, a partner organization of the UN, and working to develop a worldwide network of women peace builders. As co-chair of this group, she has facilitated gatherings of spiritual leaders throughout the Middle East, in Asia, Africa, the Far East and Europe.

Her efforts as a member of the Niwano Peace Prize Committee (Tokyo), the Council of Conscience for the Charter of Compassion and Pax Christi USA all worked to spread interfaith commitments to peace building, nonviolence, equality and justice for all peoples.

Sister Joan has appeared with the Dali Lama and also attended the Fourth United Nations Conference on Women in Beijing. She is a regular columnist for the National Catholic Reporter and for the Huffington Post.

Sister Joan received her doctorate from Penn State University in Speech Communications Theory. In 1996 she was an invited fellow at St. Edmund’s College, Cambridge University.

We will provide recommended readings for those who register for this talk.

Due to a high level of interest, we have run out of space on this teleconference! The audio recording and our notes will be available on our WATERtalks page. Please feel free to email Elizabeth at waterstaff@hers.com for more information or to request the recommended reading.

Thank You!