November 9 Teleconference

Monthly Teleconference Series: New Feminist Christianity

To register for a call, send the words “register me” to and you will receive dial-in information. All teleconferences are from 1-2 pm EDT.

November 9: Bernadette Brooten, author of “Beyond Slavery: Overcoming its Religious and Sexual Legacies.”

WATER is thrilled to present Professor Bernadette Brooten! She is a Professor of Christian Studies, Women’s and Gender Studies, Classical Studies, and Religious Studies at Brandeis University, and is founder and director of the Brandeis Feminist Sexual Ethics Project. The team of scholars, activists, artists, and policy analysts involved in this project are disentangling the nexus of slavery, religion, women, and sexuality. Bernadette has also authored numerous books and articles, including the well-known book Love Between Women: Early Christian Responses to Female Homoeroticism. Along with various other awards, she has been honored with a MacArthur Fellowship.

Bernadette will be speaking with us about the most recent book that she edited with the assistance of Jacqueline L. Hazelton, Beyond Slavery: Overcoming Its Religious and Sexual Legacies. The book grew out of the Feminist Sexual Ethics Project and is a product of the joint efforts (initiated by Bernadette) of a multi-racial group of scholars, activists, and artists. The discussion will encompass an historical analysis of slavery; the joining of religion, sexuality, and slavery; and the role that slavery continues to play in shaping our social institutions.

To register, email the words “register me” to by November 7th and you will receive dial-in information.