WATER Recommends: Fall 2024

Bird, Jennifer G. MARRIAGE IN THE BIBLE. London, UK: Rowman & Littlefield, 2023 (260 pages, $20.10).
If feminist scholarship is socialized and made available to a wide public there is real hope that minds will change. Jennifer Bird does just this kind of promotion of ideas that many seasoned feminists take for granted but that most biblically-based Christians have missed entirely.

Carbine, Rosemary P. NEVERTHELESS, WE PERSIST: A FEMINIST PUBLIC THEOLOGY. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2023 (259 pages, $35).
Feminist public theology has many roots and connections. Rosemary Carbine offers the foundations in civil rights, non-violence, farm worker justice, non-violence, political work, among others. Out of the “ekklesia of women” emerge new, effective, persistent efforts to create a just world.

Clooney, Francis Xavier. HINDU AND CATHOLIC, PRIEST AND SCHOLAR: A LOVE STORY. London, UK: T&T Clark, 2024 (195 pages, $22.45).
A love story indeed of a man who had a mystical experience as a teenager that set him on a religious journey told in modest but epic terms. Francis Clooney is a brilliant, insightful, learned, and deeply spiritual person whose deep dives into two faith traditions and deep commitments to two ways of being in the world make provocative reading.

Federer, Julia. INCARNATING GRACE: A THEOLOGY OF HEALING FROM SEXUAL TRAUMA. New York, NY: Fordham University Press, 2023 (237 pages, $30).
Victim-survivors of sexual violence will thank Julia Federer for collecting some of the best insights in the field and developing a strong theological analysis. She dispenses with the unhelpful tropes about redemptive suffering and focuses instead on the healing work that religions can do. Feminist scholar-activists and Teresa of Avila alike can be enlisted in this urgently needed work.

Gafney, Wilda C. A WOMEN’S LECTIONARY FOR THE WHOLE CHURCH. New York, NY: Church Publishing, 2021 (360 pages, $26.10).
This volume delivers on its title. The regular readings of the church year are the usual fare in many denominations. A lectionary that reflects the womanist, feminist, post-colonial thinking of biblical scholars and theologians will make sermon preparation a new endeavor.

Kenny, Amy. MY BODY IS NOT A PRAYER REQUEST: DISABILITY JUSTICE IN THE CHURCH. Ada, MI: Baker Publishing Group, 2022 (194 pages, $19.99).
A bracing, straight-up read about how Christianity misses the mark on disability. Damaging preaching and barriers of every kind abound in churches. This no-nonsense, popularly written, insightful treatment of these issues is a recipe for change.

Khan, Daisy. 30 RIGHTS OF MUSLIM WOMEN: A TRUSTED GUIDE. Rhinebeck, NY: Monkfish Book Publishing Company, 2024 (350 pages, $22.49).
Whether for students of Islam or Muslims who want to know more about their faith, this useful compendium of Islamic teachings and practices is invaluable in a religiously pluralistic society. Thanks to Daisy Khan for leading the way and for making the scholarship of Muslim women accessible to a broad audience.

Pui-Lan, Kwok. THE ANGLICAN TRADITION FROM A POSTCOLONIAL PERSPECTIVE. New York, NY: Seabury Books, 2023 (256 pages, $24.98).
Comprehensive, insightful, pushing the large business-sized envelope, Kwok Pui-Lan lays out the contours of a religious tradition in search of its integrity. Everyone wins as she clarifies a complicated history and points ways forward without erasing the past. A model for adherents in other religious communities to follow as they seek their own integrity.

Rich, Bryce E. GENDER ESSENTIALISM AND ORTHODOXY: BEYOND MALE AND FEMALE. New York, NY: Fordham University Press, 2023 (258 pages, $34.99).
Moving beyond the binaries in Orthodoxy is a heavy lift. Bryce Rich does so with erudition and candor. Those who oppose his views on women’s ordination and LGBTIQ+, for example, do not realize that he is doing orthodox traditions a huge intellectual and moral favor, perhaps even saving them from their own demise.

Buddhism as a resource for liberation is a welcome theme. Even more welcome is the focus on Black experiences in Buddhism that showcases the power of silence, suffering, and intergenerational trauma. This is an important book, a font of insight.