WATER Recommends: July 2023

Akers, Daneen and Gillian Gamble. DEAR MAMA GOD. Oceanside, CA: Watchfire Media, 2023 (32 pages, $25.00).
Beautiful illustrations guide you through a simple prayer to Mama God. This lovely book is a wonderful and simple opportunity for children and adults to connect with God as a mother to us all.

Apffel-Marglin, Frédérique and Randy Chung Gonzales. INITIATED BY THE SPIRITS: HEALING THE ILLS OF MODERNITY THROUGH SHAMANISM, PSYCHEDELICS AND THE POWER OF THE SACRED. Housatonic, MA: Green Fire Press, 2022 (264 pages, $18.95).
Professor Apffel-Marglin makes a case for healing plants pushing well beyond the bounds of Western medicine. Randy Chung Gonzales describes his journey into shamanism in vivid detail. Most scholars of religion know precious little about shamanism. That knowledge is augmented by this unusual volume which is equal parts scholarship and story, challenge and mystery.

Apostolos-Cappadonna, Diane. MARY MAGDALENE: A VISUAL HISTORY. London, UK: T&T Clark, 2023 (143 pages, $22.28).
Mary Magdalene has always been a contentious figure in Christian history, saddled with the projections of a patriarchal world view. This lovely work features many of her titles, including Witness, Anointer, Preacher, and even Feminist Icon, in the form of classic and priceless works of art over two thousand years. It is made for those who wish to experience a wonderful immersion into the power of art to portray a person in all of their complexity.

Cooper-White, Pamela. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM: WHY PEOPLE ARE DRAWN IN AND HOW TO TALK ACROSS THE DIVIDE. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2022 (137 pages, $18.99).
In the aftermath of January 6, 2021, Pamela Cooper-White offers a comprehensive look at Christian nationalism and its psychology. She deals with the definition of Christian nationalism, the psychological mechanisms of participating in such movements, and ways of communicating across the divides that exist in a polarized country. She acknowledges the need to listen in order to be heard. A useful read to ponder how the events on January 6th took shape and how their dynamics endure.

Esser, Annette. THE HILDEGARD OF BINGEN PILGRIMAGE BOOK. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2022 (311 pages, $29.95).
Lace up your hiking books for an inspiring walk through the land of Hildegard of Bingen. Medieval saint and doctor of the church, a healer with herbs and a medical doctor, Hildegard’s eco-spirituality is increasingly attractive to contemporary readers. This amazing volume outlines a pilgrimage of key places in her life and ministry. It is complete with maps and pictures, readings and reflection questions. Tuck this in your backpack as you go, or enjoy it from the comfort of your easy chair.

Hays, Carolyn. A GIRLHOOD: A LETTER TO MY TRANSGENDER DAUGHTER. Durham, NC: Blair/Carolina Wren Press, 2022 (274 pages, $26.92).
Listening to stories about trans people is fundamental to reaching social acceptance. No one can better teach us this than the mother of a trans child living in the South. The author describes her family’s experience coming to understand what transgenderism is and the cruel hatred that comes from those who refuse to try to do so. Lots to learn from this book written with love and care for all types of people.

Heyward, Carter. THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS OF WHITE CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM: A CALL TO ACTION (RELIGION IN THE MODERN WORLD). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2022 (290 pages, $34.00).
White Christian Nationalism plays a large role in contemporary U.S. social disorder. Carter Heyward brings a feminist liberation theologian’s lens to the issues with a strong justice bent. Use this as a springboard for community conversations among people of Christian faith who will find their values operationalized for action.

Ibrahim, Celene. WOMEN AND GENDER IN THE QUR’AN. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2020 (232 pages, $29.95).
Over a billion people claim Islam as their religious tradition, yet billions more know little or nothing about it, and even less about women in Islam. This scholarly yet accessible book provides a helpful overview of gender matters with abundant resources for future study. A serious volume for enrichment and collaboration across religious traditions.

Ladin, Joy. THE SOUL OF THE STRANGER: READING GOD AND TORAH FROM A TRANSGENDER PERSPECTIVE. Waltham, MA: Brandeis University Press, 2019 (147 pages, $29.95).
Transgender is a many-splendored thing, in this instance living in a non-binary way. Torah and trans experience, God and stranger are read, reread, and interwoven. It becomes abundantly clear that one usefully informs the other. Breathtakingly new and challenging ideas are expressed in lovely, accessible prose. Treat yourself to this gem.

The President and CEO of the Global Fund for Women invites funders and friends to recognize and support local feminists who labor in the vineyards to change the world. This is a primer for people in the foundation world on how grassroots groups function. It is a reminder to individual donors to support women’s daily work in communities because it adds up to social change.

Ripatrazone, Nick. THE HABIT OF POETRY: THE LITERARY LIVES OF NUNS IN MID-CENTURY AMERICA. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2023 (125 pages, $28.99).
The impact women religious have made in literature has long been under-acknowledged. This book helps to change that by focusing on the lives and works of Madeleva Wolff, Jessica Powers, Mary Bernetta Quinn, Madeline DeFrees, Maura Eichner and Mary Francis. Their poetry deserves critical attention and careful reading. Read this for insights into their work and imagine their impact if sexism were not the barrier it remains today.

Townes, Emilie, Stacey Floyd-Thomas, Alison P. Gise Johnson, and Angela D. Sims, Editors. WALKING THROUGH THE VALLEY: WOMANIST EXPLORATIONS IN THE SPIRIT OF KATIE GENEVA CANNON. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2022 (163 pages, $27.00).
Womanist colleagues celebrate the life and work of Katie Geneva Cannon. A dozen colleagues explore her insights and impact on the study of religion. This is predicted to be the first of many such volumes about this key thinker and consummate professor. A must-read to appreciate the respect Dr. Cannon enjoyed and the brilliant work of her colleagues to take womanism to new heights.