WATER Recommends: July 2024

Ensign, Diana J. FAITH, HOPE, ACTION: USHERING IN A NEW EARTH ERA, TOGETHER. Indianapolis: SpiritHawk Life Publications, 2024 (244 pages, $19.84).
The climate crisis is so overwhelming that it stops most people from doing anything. Diana J. Ensign (who was a winner in WATER’s 2023 Rosemary Ganley Essay Contest) breaks it down into doable chunks, something for everyone to try. Whether building a house with recycled materials, probing one’s faith tradition for inspiration, and/or eating healthily grown food, the options are endless, the needs now. This book, with its concrete examples, helps and challenges.

This volume is a refreshing surprise—a realistic, contemporary look at the Sacred Heart. In a gently written, accessible text, scholar Mary Frolich, in the role of spirit-guide writes: “The Heart at the heart of the world resounds in every creature and in the intricate web of all creatures, seeking to communicate Wisdom to us…” (p. 154). She explores chaos, the queer kindom, Gaia, ecology, Jesus, and more issues in useful questions for reflection and practice. Who knew the Sacred Heart held such richness for our era?

Hoffman, Merle. CHOICES: A POST-ROE ABORTION RIGHTS MANIFESTO. Skyhorse Publishing, 2023 (240 pages, $22.12).
The history of abortion in the U.S. is a story of courage against vicious forces that would keep pregnant people from making their own choices. Merle Hoffman, a leader in the provision of abortion services, provides an inside look at how things played out post-Roe. Now, post-Dobbs, they are destined to devolve without bold actions. It is a chilling tale but an important read if future generations are to have basic human rights.

Nittle, Nadra. BELL HOOKS’ SPIRITUAL VISION: BUDDHIST, CHRISTIAN, AND FEMINIST. Augsburg Fortress Press, 2023 (147 pages, $21.49).
Gone too soon, bell hooks had a complicated relationship with spirituality. Whether Buddhist or Christian, neopagan or other, she brought the same discerning eye and heart to religions that she brought to everything else.. This study opens some of that search to a wide audience that can only benefit from her forays into the unknowable.

O’Dell, Darlene. THE STORY OF THE PHILADELHIA ELEVEN: REVISED AND EXPANDED 50th ANNIVERSARY EDITION. Church Publishing, 2024 (320 pages, $28.95).
Darlene O’Dell’s revised and expanded 50th anniversary edition of the definitive history of Episcopal women’s successful struggle for valid and licit ordination is a must read. Now that the popular movie is out (“THE PHILADELPHIA ELEVEN,” Director, Margo Guernsey, 2023, https://www.philadelphiaelevenfilm.com/), there is new interest in what these courageous and committed women teach for the ages: exclusion never holds where and when justice is proclaimed.

Oredein, Oluwatomisin Olayinka. THE THEOLOGY OF MERCY AMBA ODUYOYE: ECUMENISM, FEMINISM, AND COMMUNAL PRACTICE. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2023 (244 pages, $53.95).
The life and work of the great Ghanaian theologian Mercy Amba Oduyoye comes into clear focus in Professor Oredein’s book. Readers find how one African woman paved the way for future generations including the author, through her study, ecumenical involvement, community-based organizing, and especially the creation of the Concerned Circle of African Women Theologians. This book is a gateway to globally important work.

Peace, Jennifer and Elinor Pierce. PILGRIMAGE, PLACE, AND PLURALISM: ESSAYS IN CONVERSATION WITH DIANA ECK. Red Elixir, 2024 (276 pages, $31.66).
Complex religious pluralism is the stuff of deep relationships, shared commitments, honest disagreements, and shared hopes. It is a signal achievement of the last fifty years in American religion with Diana Eck in the lead. This volume of reflections by her academic colleagues, appreciative students, and professionals in interreligious work, her friends and admirers offers both kudos to Diana and an overview of the field. These ties that create a livable world are more necessary and precious than ever in today’s morass.

Rutten, Mara D. CALLED TO ACTION: NETWORK’S 50 YEARS OF POLITICAL MINISTRY. NETWORK Advocates for Catholic Social Justice, Washington, D.C., 2023 (158 pages, $14.99).
Fifty years after the creation of one of post-modern Catholicism’s most consequential women’s groups, Mara D. Rutten offers a welcome history. From the founding sisters to today’s young strategists, NETWORK’s mission of making social justice integral to American legislation and structures continues with style.

Walker-Smith, Angélique Keturah. AHEAD OF HER TIME: PAN-AFRICAN WOMEN OF FAITH AND THE VISION OF CHRISTIAN UNITY, MISSION, AND JUSTICE. World Council of Churches, 2023 (132 pages, $18.95).
Rev. Dr. Angélique Keturah Walker-Smith has written a springboard book, one that will propel other writers to explore the many Pan-African women who have shaped contemporary ecumenical work. Included in the panoply are such luminaries as Rena Karefa-Smart, Brigalia Bam, Mercy Amba Oduyoye, Ruth Nita Barrow, and many others. Their pioneering efforts against great odds paved the way for women in ecumenical movements. Pictures, references, and data to give other scholars a running start on chronicling these women and their successors.