WATER Recommends: Spring 2011
Tap into what we’re reading at the WATER office with the following resources.
All of the books we recommend are available for the borrowing from the Carol Murdock Scinto Library in the WATER office. Check out librarything.com for our complete collection. We are grateful to the many publishers who send us review copies to promote to the WATER community.

Althaus-Reid, Marcella and Isherwood, Lisa. CONTROVERSIES IN CONTEXTUAL THEOLOGY: TRANS/FORMATIONS. London: SCM Press, 2009 (204 pages, $25.00).

Armand-Ugón, Fanny Geymonat. NOMBRANDO A DIOS EN LOS ANDES: UNE PERSPECTIVA TEOLÓGICA FEMINISTA EN CONTEXTO Y PLURICULTURAL. Charleston, SC: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2010 (198 pages, $38.82).

Brock, Rita Nakashima and Parker, Rebecca Ann. SAVING PARADISE: HOW CHRISTIANITY TRADED LOVE OF THIS WORLD FOR CRUCIFIXION AND EMPIRE. Boston: Beacon Press, 2008 (552 pages, $34.95).

Fiedler, Maureen, ed. BREAKING THROUGH THE STAINED GLASS CEILING: WOMEN RELIGIOUS LEADERS IN THEIR OWN WORDS. New York: Seabury Books, 2010 (211 pages, $22.00).

Kim, Eunjoo Mary. PREACHING IN AN AGE OF GLOBALIZATION. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2010 (168 pages, $25.00).

Minney, Gretchen Kloten. CALLED: WOMEN HEAR THE VOICE OF THE DIVINE. Broomfield, CO: Wonder Why Publications, 2010 (155 pages, $14.95).

Pui-lan, Kwok, ed. HOPE ABUNDANT: THIRD WORLD AND INDIGENOUS WOMEN’S THEOLOGY. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2010 (276 pages, $34.00).

Ruether, Rosemary Radford. CATHOLIC DOES NOT EQUAL THE VATICAN. New York: The New Press, 2008 (150 pages, $23.95).

Rupp, Joyce. MAY YOU REJOICE: A BLESSING FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY. Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press, 2010 (26 pages, $4.50).

Siebert, Ute. ESPACIOS ABIERTOS: CAMINOS DE LA TEOLOGÍA FEMINISTA. Santiago de Chile: Conspirando, 2010 (132 pages, $39.00).

Alda, Arlene. LULU’S PIANO LESSON. Plattsburgh, NY: Tundra Books, 2010 (30 pages, $16.95).

Azore, Barbara. WANDA’S FRECKLES. Plattsburgh, NY: Tundra Books, 2009 (24 pages, $19.95).