Feminist work in religion and social change is accomplished in many ways, not least of which is through writing. Enter WATER’s Essay Contest to see how it is done.
The WATER Essay Contest 2025 is an invitation to writers at all stages to submit 650 well-chosen words on a topic related to feminist work for social change that springs from spiritual commitments. Previous winning essays can be found below.
Rosemary Ganley is a Peterborough, Ontario feminist activist and writer whose weekly columns in The Peterborough Examiner reach a wide audience and make waves. She was recently inducted into the Order of Canada, a high honor. WATER commits to following her lead by encouraging writing for a broad audience with a light but well-informed touch.
Politics and the arts, sports, and religion/spirituality, local and global happenings are all fair game. So, too, are ecological themes and humor. Your imagination and activist priorities are the only limits. Write boldly and clearly à la Rosemary. For wonderful examples, see Rosemary’s blog: https://yellowdragonflypress.weebly.com/columns
Rosemary Canley advises
- Make it accessible to a general reader, the people who read “secular” but not necessarily religious sources, like daily newspapers and blogs.
- Research carefully and make a clear argument.
- Convey a sense of calm and hope.
- Skip the “God talk” and let justice, fairness, decency, and democracy carry the day.
- Spiritual values and images will be evident in creative ways.
- Wit welcome.
- Before you submit your essay make sure to register with all your information above using the contact form. You can find it here.
- Please put your information into the Word document contact form, and be sure the form is included in your email submission as well.
- Please indicate where you will submit your essay for publication after the contest. This will help you to focus on your intended audience.
- People aged 16 and older can participate.
- People from all around the world are welcome to submit.
- Your essay must be submitted by the April 1, 2025 to waterstaff@hers.com with the subject: Rosemary Ganley Essay Contest 2025.
- Submit your essay, preferably a Word document, double spaced, written in Arial or Times Roman in font size 11.
- Your essay should NOT include your name in the text.
- Essays of more than 650 words will not be considered.
- Your essay must concern a topic related to feminist work for social change that springs from spiritual commitments.
- The end of your contact form should contain the following statement and your signature:
I declare that I completed this essay independently and used only the materials that are listed. Signature
- The usage of AI is not permitted and will lead to disqualification.
Further Information:
– Your submitted essay will be evaluated by a WATER Committee.
– Up to three writers will receive $650 each for their successful essays.
– Winners will be announced by late April 2025 and essays will be published on WATER’s website.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mary E. Hunt at mhunt@hers.com.
Submit your essay by April 1, 2025, to waterstaff@hers.com.
Good luck and thank you for your work.

Archive of WATER Essay Contest Winners
2024 Essay Contest Winners
2023 Essay Contest Winners