WATER Resources
What are you looking for? Here are a few places to start:
Feminist Theology
Our WATERtalk archives, featuring conversations from powerful feminist theologians like Rosemary Radford Ruether, Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, Katie G. Cannon, and many, many more
Our collection of Feminist Theology 101 resources to get started
Our Carol Murdock Scinto Library and Resource Center, which hosts 6,000+ books, videos, ritual materials, music, and more for public use
Our collection of articles, writings, and speeches by co-founder and co-director Dr. Mary E. Hunt
Our reading recommendations from recently published works in fields like feminist and liberation theology, spirituality, sociology, feminist theory, philosophy and ethics, and children’s stories
Our feminist liturgy, ritual, and ceremony planning tools, written by co-founder Dr. Diann L. Neu
Our WATERritual sessions and monthly rituals focus on raising up wise women, celebrating the seasons, exploring compassion and healing, and much more
Our monthly Contemplative Prayer/Meditation series gathers people from across the country to reflect and share together
Our shop offers liturgies and rituals for a variety of seasons and occasions
Our co-founder and co-director, Diann L. Neu, offers spiritual direction and counseling for individuals, couples, and groups
Our participation in the Women-Church Convergence, which works to build a new kind of Catholic community
Our Women Crossing Worlds initiative, which builds relationships across borders and brings women together to study, celebrate, and strategize
Our friends in the Feminist Liberation Theologians’ Network, which gathers annually at the meeting of the American Academy of Religion
Our mission to Amplify Marginalized Voices, which includes a series of Catholic Lesbian/Queer Women conversations and provides safe spaces for listening, learning, collaboration, and support
Our list of links to more organizations that act for justice, promote feminist values, and create spaces for marginalized voices
Our Visiting Scholars and Internship programs allow students (undergraduate or graduate) and scholars to spend time at WATER, utilize our vast collection of resources, and to familiarize themselves with the basics of nonprofit management and WATER’s work
Our upcoming events are good ways to get involved and see what makes WATER programming so special
Our newsletter, WATERwheel, first published in 1988, now contains hundreds of articles by Mary E. Hunt, rituals by Diann L. Neu, and important events in the field of feminist theology that have been archived
Our staff is always ready and willing to find any resources you need!