WATER Embraces Paris Agreement and Environmental Care


 June 5, 2017

Despite President Donald Trump’s action to withdraw U.S. government support from the Paris Agreement, the Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics, and Ritual (WATER) reaffirms its commitment to sustain the only planet we have. We join nearly all nations of the world in efforts to keep temperatures from rising and thus destroying land, killing off species, and creating preventable increases in disease.

Our very name, WATER, signals the priority we place on care of Earth. While the U.S. government under present leadership is abdicating its responsibilities, we partner with states, cities, and countless groups throughout our country and world to do our part. It is these efforts, not dicta from the White House, which will create a healthy, sustainable future for generations to come.

Some may wonder why a small group of feminist scholars, ministers, and activists in religion would bother to publicize our rejection of a heinous executive decision. Who can remain silent?

We raise our collective voice in support of climate care despite the current vacuum in moral courage, vision, and common sense at the highest levels of American government.